Jamie Conaghan (She/Her)
Senior Vice President Marketing & Digital
Jamie oversees Main Street Bank’s marketing department, contributes to building the bank’s strategic plan, and aligns all areas of the bank with the brand through consistent communication to employees, customers, and the community. She ensures the bank’s public-facing image is recognizable and presents the brand’s overall culture of an optimal customer experience in all channels.
Jamie began her banking career in 2006 as a part-time teller, and has experience in the branch network as a Personal Banker and Supervisor before transitioning fully into a marketing-focused role in 2011. Jamie earned a BA in English with a Concentration in Communications from Assumption University in Worcester, MA. She earned an MS in Organizational and Professional Communications from Regis College in Weston, MA. She is a Certified Financial Marketing Professional, a designation earned through the American Bankers Association.
Jamie currently serves as President of the New England Financial Marketing Association (NEFMA), holds an Executive role on the Board of Directors for the Nashoba Valley Chamber of Commerce, and is a volunteer facilitator and mentor for the United Way of Central MA Women’s Initiative Dollar $cholar program.
Fun Fact
Jamie has participated in two strongwoman competitions, one in which she took second place in her division. When she’s not lifting weights, she enjoys hiking or simply enjoying a good book (ideally, by a beach somewhere warm!)
Favorite Quote
“How you do anything is how you do everything.”