Learn how Main Street Bank helped a local non-profit organization achieve banking success with personalized service, solutions, and support.


Thrive Support and Advocacy is a non-profit organization that provides services and programs for individuals with developmental disabilities, intellectual disabilities, and autism. Thrive has been a customer of Main Street Bank for nearly 20 years, and has benefited from the bank’s personalized customer service, flexible banking solutions, and generous sponsorship of its initiatives.


As a non-profit organization, Thrive faces challenges in managing its finances, such as cash flow, payroll, donations, grants, and compliance. Thrive needs a bank that understands its unique needs and can provide customized solutions that suit its budget and mission. Thrive also needs a bank that supports its community and shares its values of inclusion, empowerment, and advocacy.


Main Street Bank has been a trusted partner of Thrive for nearly two decades, providing a range of banking services, such as checking and savings accounts, online banking, loans, and cash management services. Main Street Bank has assigned a team of dedicated banking professionals to Thrive, who are available to answer questions, resolve issues, and offer advice. Main Street Bank has also been a major sponsor of Thrive’s events and programs, such as road races, Thrive’s Prom for All Ages, and the holiday gift-giving drive, donating funds, resources, and volunteers.


With Main Street Bank’s support, Thrive has been able to achieve its goals and serve its clients more effectively. Thrive has been able to maintain a healthy cash flow, pay its staff and vendors on time, receive and manage donations and grants securely, and construct an additional community residence to provide Thrivers (their participants) a safe, welcoming home. Thrive has also been able to expand its services and reach more individuals and families in need, thanks to Main Street Bank’s sponsorship and involvement. Thrive’s President and CEO, Sean Rose, says:

“Main Street Bank has been there for us in terrific customer service. In addition to that, Main Street Bank has been a massive supporter of our individuals. They’ve been massive sponsors of all of our initiatives, whether it be a road race, a prom or supporting us through the holidays. It’s nice to be able to call Main Street Bank and not have to e-mail back and forth and get a live person on the line. And we need somebody on the banking side who gets us, and for me, Main Street Bank is really the only choice.”

If your non-profit is looking for a bank aligned with your needs and values, let Main Street Bank be your first call to get started.

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